Friday, December 08, 2006

the heart smiles when...

...a new friend shares his spiritual journey with you

...a community welcomes you with open arms

...your roommate comes home after a long trip and you sit on the grass and catch up

...a pastor tells you God has given you the gift to work with children (much more on this next week) and a door is opened for a new ministry

...a child approaches you and asks for a kiss

...a family celebrates their son's birthday with an overflow of love (and invites you to be part of it)

.. you dance salsa in the middle of a living room together with a Nica sister

...a tour of the city with neighbors on the night of the Purisima turns into a bonding experience

...a talented and creative young man plays latin jazz to delight others's adopted Nica parents invite you to spend a weekend with them on a farm in the middle of Nicaragua's natural beauty

Yes, the heart smiles.

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