Tuesday, March 14, 2006


"How do you know when you have served people enough? Certainly it is not when all the pain is gone. It will never be gone."- Jon Parker

What a profound and appropriate quote for today from my friend Jon, one of many spiritual mentors from college. This is a question that I struggle with on a regular basis. As a serving person, I am constantly aware that there is always more hurt, more pain, more need, more [ ] in the world. And I am frequently driven to despair (as this picture from a mission trip last year demonstrates) that I cannot do more to meet those needs...to not only share in the pain of others, but to "do justice" on their behalf.

I have always felt a special connection to these words in Jeremiah..:"seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you...for in its welfare you will find your welfare". For the last 18 years, San Antonio has been the place in which I have found my welfare. But God has laid a burden upon my heart for another city--Managua--and I am ready to follow Him there to seek its welfare too.

Today is my last day in San Antonio for almost a month--and when I return (April 8th), the days I have left here will truly be numbered. May my heart always be overflowing with the love of Christ that I might bear a truly life-giving message of hope for people in pain wherever I am.


Sharis said...

I think sometimes you just half to take it one person at a time or day at time. I think if we really sat down and thought about the pain in our world we would never stop crying. If you touch one person heart or help educate /training one person you never know whatthey might grow up to be. For example, the President of Peru had this to say " I would not be president of my country had it not been for the early education I recieved from Peace Corp volunteers." So there you go one person at a time.

Anonymous said...

hey pamela! many many blessings on your trip to the DR. you are in my prayers! I am still praying to get to managua as close to may 2 as i can. God bless you!

Amy Soupiset said...

Pamela, I am so glad that you became a blogger. I have been blessed by your insights, your poems and your deep faith and trust in God and His provision. Our family wishes you well. Thanks.

E. Twist said...


It's been fun having you over at my little blog. As I've traversed yours I've been impressed but not surprised. You've always expressed yourself well and honestly. I really appreciated this post. It reminded me of all the times you served me and how often I took that service for granted. Your heart is swollen with Christ and I pray it always remains so.

Anonymous said...

Have a safe trip, dear.

pamela said...

thanks everyone for your comments. i appreciate all of your encouragement and support.