Tuesday, October 25, 2005


A new Nichole Nordeman CD recently came out, and I really resonate with the title song, Brave. Some lyrical highlights:
"The gate is wide/The road is paved in moderation/The crowd is kind and quick to pull you in"
How easy is it to just go with the flow in life? Accept society's definition of everything? Build your life on worldly security?
"'Cause it's been fear that ties me down to everything/But it's been love, Your love, that cuts the strings"
People ask me a lot if I am afraid to leave the United States for so long--or if I am afraid of what may happen to me while living in another country. It's true I have some fears--but the greater truth in my life is God's love is much stronger than those fears--and the strings that might tie me here have lost their power over me.
"So long status quo/I think I just let go/You make me want to be brave/The way it always was/Is no longer good enough/You make me want to be brave"
Not only does Jesus make me want to be brave, but he is the source of my courage and the well that give me life.


Anonymous said...


It is amazing how often I choose fear and slavery over love and freedom. It is so easy to just yield to the status quo, to seek the enslavery of comfort, but it takes weakness and courage by God's power, to let go, and to be blown by the wind of the Spirit in true freedom. You leaving this country for a while to love and serve others will be a leap toward freedom and joy.

pamela said...

thanks casey. let the Spirit blow, brother! : )