Saturday, June 03, 2006

living history

Yes, the man you are looking at is a real live Sandinista, who fought in the revolution back in the 1970s (the picture he is holding which you can´t see is him during his combat days).

Diniseo Romero now has his own personal museum just west of Leon´s Parque Central on the first floor of what used to be a Somoza Palace and then Sandinista HQ, but is now a secondary school (the top 2 floors, that is). SeƱor Romero lives to tell the story of Sandino and how the FSLN (Frente Sandinista) was formed and overcame the Somoza dictatorship. This "museum" is comprised mostly of enlarged photos and text from books on the Revolution, but also includes a stack of stones from one of the walls the army built, and some of his own personal collection of photos. Romero is an unassuming, gentle man, who turns passionate at the mention of Sandinista presidential candidate Daniel Ortega and the future of his country. Now a peaceful patriot, he proudly showed me the book where he keeps the names and countries of every person who comes to visit his selfmade museum.

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