Wednesday, July 18, 2007

on the eve of the anniversary, a showdown?

As reported by La Prensa (excerpted).

"Organizaciones de la sociedad civil como el Movimiento Autónomo de Mujeres y el Movimiento por Nicaragua, entre otros, demandaron ayer el desmantelamiento de los Consejos del Poder Ciudadano (CPC), porque consideran que son violatorios a las leyes vigentes del país, ya que coartan el derecho de la participación ciudadana y violentan los derechos humanos de los nicaragüenses. [Organizations representing civil society like the Autonomous Movement of Women and the Movement for Nicaragua, among others, demanded yesterday that the Councils of Citizen Power (recently proposed by the FSLN) be dismantled, because they consider them in violation of this country's current laws by coopting the rights of citizen participation and violating the human rights of Nicaraguans.]

Las demanda de las organizaciones a la Asamblea Nacional pidiendo la derogación de los Consejos, fue respondida casi de inmediato por el FSLN a través del Presidente de la República, Daniel Ortega y el diputado sandinista Gustavo Porras, quien advirtió que se tomarán las calles y cercarán la sede del Legislativo, si se derogan los Consejos de la Ley 290. [These organizations' demands to the National Assembly were responded to immediately by President Ortega and Sandinista legislator Gustavo Porras, who said that they will take to the streets and head for the Legislative seat if they (the legislature) chooses to vote against the Councils in Law 290.]

Los CPC son el primer encontronazo serio entre Ortega y su oposición, la que por primera vez se une en su contra en la Asamblea Nacional. [This issue is the first serious conflict between Ortega and his opposition, which for the first time is united against him in the National Assembly."]

Tomorrow is the anniversary of the triumph of the Sandinista Revolution, a national holiday here in Nicaragua. Fireworks, banderas rojinegras, and a huge celebratory gathering in the central plaza in Managua will be the order of the day.

But afterwards? Will there indeed be a political showdown? Vamos a ver.

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