Wednesday, November 07, 2007

the disappearance of women [esther part #1]

Either women are crushed or they are made to disappear.

Either women are "different" (and therefore inferior) and subject to all kinds of misery--from being abandoned as children to being denied equal educational opportunity to drinking the water used to wash their husbands' feet during a wedding ceremony to much more unspeakable horrors--or they are "the same" (and therefore equal), but only insofar as they adapt to the male-dominated culture, where the trump cards are strength, money, and/or sexual prowess.

Either women are inferior--and therefore crushed--or they are "the same"--and therefore disappear.

Around the world and in Nicaragua, whether by brute violence or subtle denial, the beautiful, compassionate, nurturing, protective feminine is being devalued, dismissed, and destroyed.

Such depth of pain demands tears and repentance...and so much more.

[to be continued]

1 comment:

soupablog said...

i am looking forward to the rest of this post, hermanita.