In case you've been wondering where I've been, I spent the last week in Costa Rica at a conference called Raising Up Esther, the essence of which was about women's role in the development of nations, and how the lie of male superiority has been a major cause of the poverty many nations continue to struggle with. More on the content of the workshops as the week goes on.

Elizabeth (my Nica friend from Somotillo) and I traveled by bus to San Jose and stayed in a mission guesthouse outside the city with some awesome people around the world, including these other 3 ladies pictured here, who all work with the Community Health Evangelism program that we use in Nicaragua as well.

A beautiful Costa Rican sunrise from my balcony window (it was crisp and cool the entire week, and I gladly made use of my limited supply of long sleeves and pants while I was there).

One morning I got to play tourist, and headed downtown where I saw the old national theater, and was enchanted by this beautiful marble flute-player statue in front.
you look muy bonita, pammie.
Awesome pics friend!
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