Tuesday, December 13, 2005

temp, temper, tempest

so i drove to kinkos after work last night to pick up some things i ordered and discovered that they had done my order completely wrong and it would be thursday before i could have it redone. i was quite put out by this turn of events, but since i was already in alamo heights, i decided to go to the quarry and pick up a few small gifts for friends and family.

lesson #1: i should never go shopping when i am stewing about something. it made me incredibly indecisive as well as greedy. i couldn't walk out of the store without buying something for myself.

lesson #2: i should never talk to my sister when i am stewing about something. my sister and i have an annual tradition of doing one shopping trip together to pick out gifts for our parents, and when i called her to ask her about it she told me she needed to reschedule for a date closer to christmas. i was already on edge, so i practically yelled at her as i tried to explain how i hate shopping at the last minute. i'm sorry, sis.

lesson #3: i should never talk to people or do anything at night until i've had dinner. i got home around 8:30pm at which time i threw a frozen lasagna in the oven, wishing bitterly that i had put in the oven earlier so it would have been ready when i came home. so i ate a bowl of cereal while i was waiting, all the while annoyed with myself for planning so poorly and eating so late.

the one bright spot in my evening of misery-inducing mistakes was a lovely conversation with my mom, which is no small thing in my life. however, as a result, the sink is still full of dishes and no presents got wrapped. oh, well. there's always tomorrow...
when my temper flares
your grace is there
to calm the waters
and soothe my cares

serenity in the fire
is what i desire
to remember what is real
and avoid misplaced ire

refine me into pure gold
i'd rather your fire than the cold
for everything will crumble
except your love and truth of old
-pjn 12/13/05


soupablog said...

your poem's great, as is your post, but for some reason i really like this title.

you have a knack for good blog titles.

pamela said...

thanks, paul. i always write the title after the post. that's what i did in college for every paper i wrote, too, and i frequently got positive feedback from my profs on my titles. : ) it's fun trying to be clever.