Wednesday, January 09, 2008

un poema

My long-time cherished friend Dawn challenged me to create a poem using the title of my previous post. I admit, it was difficult, as poetry and jokes are probably the two hardest things to master in a second language. But, here is my first valiant attempt. Favor perdonarme si no sea tan bello.

He aquí donde se encuentra alimentos [behold, here one finds food]
que agradan la nariz, la boca y los ojos [that please the nose, mouth, and eyes]

Un simple fuego de leña hace [a simple wood burning fire makes]
de un pollo, la poesía asada [from chicken, grilled poetry]
del café y azúcar, la fuerza nueva [from coffee and sugar, new strength]
de la masa, aceite y agua, la pan divina [from corn, oil, and water, divine bread]

Un cuchillo en la mano hace [a knife in the hand makes]
de las pinas, cálalas, y naranjas [from pineapple, calala, and oranges]
una cascada de brisas exquisitas [a waterfall of esquisite showers]
de la yucca, zanahoria, y hierba [from yucca, carrots, and herbs]
una sabrosa sopa alentadora [a delicious, encouraging soup]

En este pueblo los ingredientes más sencillos [in this place the simplest ingredients]
con un poco de amor [with a little love]

generan milagros culinarios, [generate culinary miracles]
y la imaginacion de la gente [and the imagination of the people]

crea sabores y olores [creates unforgettable flavors and aromas]
inolvidables que refrescan el alma y serenan la mente [which refresh the soul and calm the mind]

Written with much love for the people, food, and cultura of Nicaragua!


Dawn said...

YAY Pamela!! You are awesome. I loved reading it and really got a sense of what it must be like to walk a few blocks in your shoes [espadrilles?] :) i like how you linked what your senses enjoy with the positive attributes of living there. and truthfully, i was expecting some kind of twist at the end about dog flesh. but i'm glad you didn't go there! :) ha ha ha.

love you mucho!! i will save this poem. thanks for answering the challenge!

amelia said...

i loved it!

soupablog said...

beautiful - maybe i'll set it to music