Sunday, April 08, 2007

easter weekend

The colorful works of art you see are made by the people of Sutiava, the oldest, indigenous neighborhood in Leon, on Good Friday. They are made on beds of firmly packed sawdust held together with pieces of wood, and the designs you see are made using dyed sawdust, flour, and sometimes 3 dimensional objects like plants. The people work for 6-8 hours Friday on this street art in preparation for the procession commemorating Jesus' death that evening, which begins at the old Sutiava church, meanders through the streets of Old Leon, and eventually comes back down to Sutiava where the symbolic tomb of Jesus is carried over the works of art (yes, they are destroyed in the process--my understanding is that this is their way of honoring Christ in a personal and sacrificial way). It is one of the oldest traditions in the neighborhood, and people come from all over the city (and all over the world) to see the beautiful designs that fill 3 blocks.

The last photo was taken of me at dawn this morning at an old fort overlooking the city of Leon, where I went to celebrate with Andrea and two friends and colleagues, Mike and Maria.

Aleluia, He is risen. Yes, He is risen indeed.

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