Wednesday, April 25, 2007

first rain

It started with gusts of wind, flashes of light in the western sky and the rumblings of a divine bowling outing far in the distance.

The temperature was dropping. Soon the pitter patter of droplets could be heard on our hot tin roof.

Within minutes the pitter patter became such a clatter that I had to get a front row seat from my rocking chair on the porch.

Rain poured down the sides of the roof, the force of the wind carrying them onto my legs and our porch floor. The sides of the road became flowing streams, as the new rivers forming carried debris downhill toward the intersection, quickly creating a small pond.

It poured and poured and poured. I knew I was getting eaten alive by mosquitos, but I didn't care. For once, I wasn't sweating!

After a 5 month hiatus, the rain has returned. Aleluia!

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