Sunday, June 17, 2007

"fuera de los pobres... hay salvacion."

Apart from the poor, there is no salvation. This is the thesis (in the tradition of liberation theology, which is alive and well here in Nicaragua) of a recent article by Jesuit priest Jon Sobrino published in Envio, the monthly magazine published by the UCA (Central American University) here in Managua. Some excerpts:

"En el mundo de los pobres se genera una lógica que permite ver la realidad de otra manera. Permite ver que salvación no es adecuadamente idéntica a progreso y desarrollo, distinción que nos parece muy importante. Y permite ver que de los pobres puede venir salvación. Para los no-pobres, es la experiencia de gracia. La opción por los pobres no versa ya solo sobre dar a ellos, sino sobre recibir de ellos."

In the world of the poor, there is a logic generated that allows one to see reality in another way. It allows one to see that salvation is not identical to progress and development, a distinction that appears very important to us. And it allows one to see that from the poor can come salvation. For those who are not poor, it is an experience of grace. The option for the poor is not about just giving to the poor, but receiving from them.

"Los pobres evangelizan, salvan, “por cuanto muchos de ellos realizan en su vida los valores evangélicos de solidaridad, servicio, sencillez, y disponibilidad para acoger el don de Dios.” Es decir, salvan por el espíritu con que viven su pobreza."

The poor evangelize, save "insofar as they live out evangelical values of solidarity, service, simplicity, and willingness to use the gifts of God." This is to say, the poor save through the spirit in which they live in their poverty.

"Por su cruda realidad pueden producir conversión y compasión, y también verdad y praxis de justicia. Y por su espíritu, multiforme, pueden humanizar de varias formas el aire impuro que respira el espíritu... Podemos pensarla [la manera en como viene la salvacion de los pobres] de tres formas: nos ofrecen una superación de la deshumanización, nos brindan elementos de humanización, y nos invitan a la solidaridad universal."

Through their unpolished reality they can produce conversion and compassion, as well as truth and the pratice of justice. And by their multidimensional spirit, they can humanize the impure air that the spirit breathes...we can think about this salvation the poor bring us in three ways: they offer us a way to overcome dehumanization, they show us elements of humanization, and they invite us to universal solidarity.

"En el proceso de salvación hay que eliminar muchos males, y hay que luchar contra las estructuras que los producen. Pero, cuando el mal es profundo, duradero, y estructural, para sanar de verdad, hay que erradicar sus raíces…desde dentro."

In the process of salvation, we have to eliminate much evil, and the structures that produe it. But, when the evil is profound, hard, and structural, to truly heal requires one to erradicate its roots...from within.

[On a related note, billboards have been popping up all over the country lately with Daniel Ortega proclaiming, "Arriba los pobres del mundo!", or it's the poor's time to be on top of the world...but is that really the answer?]


Dawn said...

looking forward to that letter! thanks pammie!

E. Twist said...

On the whole, Liberation Theology is a real bastard. It claims to be in the service of the poor and marginalized, but does so within marxist frameworks...ouch. However, I like this post and thought his take on salvation from a poor man's view very provoking.


Anonymous said...

Entiendes español??
No hay cosas blancas o negras, bueno o malo, la teología de liberación puede tener su enfoque marxista, pero al menos trata de abordar un problema serio, la brecha injusta entre pobres y ricos, la falta de acceso a educación, servicios de agua y de información, acceso a la educación y disminuir la ignorancia.